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Digitális vásárlás (PC) Total War: ROME II - Hannibal at the Gates Campaign Pack LETÖLTŐKÓD borítókép
  • Platform: PC – részletes rendszerigény a lap alján
    Digitális letöltőkód emailben
  • Nyelv: Angol nyelven
  • Kategória: stratégia
  • Megjelenés (digitális): 2014. március 27.
  • Kiadás: letöltőkód e-mailben
  • Adathordozó: Steam kulcs
  • Vonalkód: MV0151161
  • Korosztály javaslat: 12+
  • Sorozat: -
  • Egyéb: internet szükséges
  • További infó: –
  • Rendszerigény >>>

Digitális vásárlás (PC) Total War: ROME II - Hannibal at the Gates Campaign Pack LETÖLTŐKÓD borítókép
  • Platform: PC – részletes rendszerigény a lap alján
  • Nyelv: Angol nyelven
  • Kategória: stratégia
  • Kiadás: letöltőkód e-mailben
  • Adathordozó: Steam kulcs
  • Cikkszám: MV0151161
  • Korosztály javaslat: 12+
  • Sorozat: -
  • Egyéb: internet szükséges
  • További infó: –
  • Rendszerigény

Total War: ROME II - Hannibal at the Gates Campaign Pack LETÖLTŐKÓD


Státusz: Letölthető

2 225 Ft

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Fontos tudni: ----- PC digitális letöltőkód emailben, nem dobozos kiadás! ----- A program aktiválásával vagy használatával kapcsolatos kérdés esetén a technikai segítségnyújtást a kiadó biztosítja angol nyelven.

Total War(TM): ROME II - Hannibal at the Gates

Dropping you into the Western Mediterranean at the outbreak of the 2nd Punic War, Hannibal at the Gates features a new campaign map focused on the period that brought the ancient-world superpowers of Rome and Carthage to all-out war.

One of the most famous in history, the conflict demonstrated the tactical genius of great rival generals Scipio and Hannibal. Can you recreate their remarkable strategies, or can you do better? How will you change history?

You enter the war as Carthage or Rome, command the noble Hellenic city-state of Syracuse, or, for the first time in ROME II, play an Iberian faction as the Arevaci or the Lusitani.

Hannibal at the Gates also features:

New Campaign Map:

A more detailed representation of the western Mediterranean than the ROME II map, with players able to expand across 19 provinces dotted with resources and settlements. The major powers of the time, Rome and Carthage, begin at loggerheads but with a number of key regions and client states under their control. Syracuse, the Arevaci and the Lusitani all start with a single region, offering a significantly different and more formidable challenge than playing as one of the two great empires.

Diplomacy-focused Technology:

Rome and Carthage both feature new civil tech-tree branches focused on diplomacy. Both sides begin with multiple allies and client states, and can undermine their opponents support by diplomatic means.

12 Turns per-year:

With a time period covering events between 218 - 202BC, each turn in Hannibal at the Gates represents a month, and the campaign transitions through all four seasons of the year, complete with seasonal gameplay effects.

Compact, focused Multiplayer Campaign:

For those generals seeking a more rapid Multiplayer Campaign game, Hannibal at the Gates tighter geographic scope makes co-op or competitive 2-player campaigns more focused and faster than a full Grand Campaign.

New Historical Battles:

Hannibal at the Gates adds two new Historical Battles: the Battle of Cannae and the Battle of Zama . Both battles marked key points in the 2nd Punic War, with Cannae representing the high point of Hannibals invasion of Italy, and Zama marking the completion of Romes victory and dominance over Carthage.

New Playable Factions for Total War(TM): ROME II

In addition to mighty Carthage and Rome, players can fight the 2nd Punic War as three new factions: the Arevaci, the Lusitani and Syracuse, each one featuring its own faction traits, characteristics, unique units and campaign start-position. If Hannibal at the Gates is owned, these factions are also playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign.

The Arevaci

Imperialist expansion has brought both Carthage and Rome to the Arevacis door, although it is Hannibal that currently shares a border with the warlike Celtiberian tribe. As the campaign begins, the Arevaci are neutral but have a clear choice before them: unite with Hannibal and risk genocidal retaliation from the Romans, or remain on good terms with Rome and face the certainty of Carthaginian wrath. Despite their knowledge of the terrain and superb fighting prowess, the Arevaci cannot take on both superpowers at once. For now, they maintain their neutrality, but it cannot last. Someone must control the Iberian peninsula, could it be the Arevaci?

The Lusitani

The Lusitani lived in Iberia long before Carthage or Rome disturbed the region. They are, like their distant cousins the Suebi, not a single clan but a confederation of smaller tribes, working together for defensive and mutual gain Fierce and agile warriors, the Lusitani are well suited to guerrilla warfare. As Hannibals Carthaginian army marches through lands previously controlled by Rome, there is opportunity for the Lusitani to expand beyond their bounds and claim back Iberia from its invaders. However, though there may be prudence in caution, even fraternisation with the enemy at first, eventually they must be expelled from the land!


The city-state of Syracuse is renowned throughout the ancient world as a centre for culture and science. It is also rich Syracuse benefits greatly from its prime position in the central Mediterranean. A string of tyrants dominate its history, defending the citys autonomy against fellow Greeks, Carthaginians and threats from within. In 218BC, both Rome and Carthage would like to see Syracuse under their control once and for all. As the two superpowers go to war again, it stands on a precipice - will Syracuse forge its own destiny or fall into obscurity as just another colonial possession?

New Units

Alongside their regular unit rosters, the playable factions in Hannibal at the Gates get the following new units. If you own Hannibal at the Gates, these units will also be available in the ROME II Grand Campaign:


o Painted Warriors

Painted bodies and unpleasant stenches instil fear in unlucky opponents, which is half the battle.

o Celtiberian Cavalry

A versatile cavalry strike force when commanded by a skilled general.


o Lusitani Guerrillas

Moving unseen to ambush their opponents, these stealthy guerrilla fighters are masters of their craft.

o Lusitani Spearmen

Skilled tribal spearmen whose reputation on the battlefield is fully deserved.


o Picked Hoplites

The cream of citizen hoplites to proudly defend their city from invasion.

New Roman Auxiliary units:

o Auxiliary Scutarii

These Iberians are more than able to serve Rome at the front of a battle line.

o Auxiliary Scutarii Cavalry

These heavy cavalrymen add a touch of Iberian fire to otherwise conservative Roman ranks.

New Iberian Mercenary units:

o Mercenary Scutarii

Large, well-paid men with falcatas can settle a surprisingly large number of arguments.

o Mercenary Scutarii Cavalry

These mounted mercenaries are a fine force for close-quarters combat.

New Italian Mercenary units:

o Mercenary Etruscan Hoplites

Equipped and trained in the Greek fashion, Romes former masters remain a force to be reckoned with.

o Mercenary Samnite Warriors

Conquered peoples can still produce the finest warriors.

o Mercenary Campanian Cavalry

Noble horsemen from some of the finest pastures of the peninsula.


A játék használatához angol nyelvismeret és szélessávú internetkapcsolat szükséges.

      • OS:Windows 7 / Windows 8
      • Processor:2nd Generation Intel Core i5 processor
      • Memory:4GB RAM
      • Graphics:1024 MB DirectX 11 compatible graphics card.
      • DirectX(R):11
      • Hard Drive:35 GB HD space
      • Additional:Screen Resolution - 1920x1080

Bármilyen játékszoftver használati, beállítási vagy kódkérdéssel kapcsolatban a hivatalos technikai segítségnyújtás tud segíteni, nem mi. Elérhetőségük megtalálható a játék dobozán/kézikönyvében és a számlán.
A játék futását a kiadó csak azokon a Windows változatokon szavatolja, amelyek a rendszerigényben fel vannak tüntetve. Ha például egy játéknál nem szerepel a Windows 10, akkor nem is feltétlenül fog futni Windows 10-en.
A játékok jellemzően normál, asztali számítógépekre vannak tervezve. Notebook-on történő futásuk egyáltalán nem garantált, kivéve, ha kimondottan szerepel a rendszerigényben az, hogy a játék támogat egyes hordozható gépeket.
A játékok elképzelhető, hogy csak Magyarország területén belül aktiválhatók a neten ill. játszhatóak, más országban történő működésük nem szavatolt.


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